Носитель: Audio CD
Количество носителей: 1 x
Издатель ( лейбл ):
Angel Records - 7243 5 56792 2 2
Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 283 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )
01. Johnny Nash / performed by Neil Finn - I Can See Clearly Now 02. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Opening Titles - Z's Theme 03. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Colony 04. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - General Mandible 05. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Princess Bala 06. Geoff Zanelli, Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Bar 07. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - "There Is a Better Place..." 08. Jose Fernandez, Jose Marti, Julian Orbon, Pete Seeger / Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - "Guantamera" / "6:15 Time to Dance" 09. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Antz Go Marching to War 10. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Weaver and Azteca Flirt 11. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Death of Barbados 12. Steve Jablonsky - The Antz Marching Band 13. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Magnifying Glass 14. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Ant Revolution 15. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Mandible and Cutter Plot 16. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Picnic Table 17. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - The Big Shoe 18. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Romance in Insectopia 19. Gavin Greenaway - Back to the Colony 20. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Z to the Rescue 21. Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell - Z's Alive!
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Публикация была отредактирована: 08.09.2019
Причина: Замена на lossless версию / Заміна на lossless версію / Replaced by lossless version
For your information > This thing is ultra woke and a shame for the cinema ( not only because it's woke), only 15000 entries in cinema in france and the must pathetic it's that is the tax from french people who has paid this "horror"