3ost » Саундтреки к Фильмам / Movie Soundtracks » Терминатор: Тёмная судьба / Terminator: Dark Fate

Терминатор: Тёмная судьба / Terminator: Dark Fate

Раздел: Саундтреки к Фильмам  •  Автор: Shadow  •  от 31.10.2019
Обложка к альбому - Терминатор: Тёмная судьба / Terminator: Dark Fate

Названия альбома: Термінатор: Фатум / Терминатор: Тёмные судьбы / Терминатор: Тёмная судьба / Terminator: Dark Fate
Исполнители / Композиторы: Tom Holkenborg
Год выпуска альбома: 2019
Год выхода фильма: 2019
Жанр: Score
Количество треков: 18
Длительность звучания: 00:58:04
Комментарий к публикации: Limited edition of 3000 copies

Носитель: Audio CD
Количество носителей: 1 x CD
Издатель ( лейбл ): La-La Land Records - LLLCD 1522

Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks + .cue + .log )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 322 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )


01. Tom Holkenborg - Terminated
02. Tom Holkenborg - My Name Is Dani
03. Tom Holkenborg - REV 9
04. Tom Holkenborg - Iron Spike
05. Tom Holkenborg - Enter Sarah
06. Tom Holkenborg - Grace
07. Tom Holkenborg - Drones Coming
08. Tom Holkenborg - The Wall
09. Tom Holkenborg - Terminator
10. Tom Holkenborg - Coyote
11. Tom Holkenborg - The Picture on the Fridge
12. Tom Holkenborg - C5
13. Tom Holkenborg - HUMV
14. Tom Holkenborg - You Saved Me
15. Tom Holkenborg - Screaming Turbines
16. Tom Holkenborg - For John
17. Tom Holkenborg - Epilogue
18. Tom Holkenborg - Dark Fate

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  • 80
Голосов: 30
Комментариев: 15


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  1. ID-10913  /  31.10.2019 - 22:06
    Благодарю за старания Shadow.Оперативно.Всё круто!
  2. ID-10914  /  31.10.2019 - 22:23
    Уж извините, но этот альбом будет на главной странице длительное время, как не проплаченная реклама фильма. Я заинтересован, чтобы этот фильм окупился и сняли продолжение запланированной трилогии! Я люблю "Терминатор" с детства.

    Вибачте, але цей альбом буде на головній сторінці тривалий час, як не проплачена реклама фільму. Я зацікавлений, щоб цей фільм окупився і зняли продовження запланованої трилогії! Я люблю "Термінатор" з дитинства.

    Sorry, but this album will stay on the main page for a long time, like an unpaid movie advertisement. I'm interested, that this film will be a success at the box-office and the shooting of the planned trilogy will continue! I love "Terminator" since childhood.

    И ещё одна не проплаченная реклама - если интересно узнать максимум информации о вселенной "Терминатор", однозначно ознакомьтесь с YouTube каналом "ОБЪЕКТ". Я лично больше года узнаю всё об этой вселенной только тут!

    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  3. ID-10915  /  31.10.2019 - 23:00
    The soundtrack is horrible, the movie is horrible, fuck you cameron!!! you have just killed this saga!
    One Punch Man!
  4. ID-10916  /  31.10.2019 - 23:18
    I haven’t seen it yet, unfortunately, and I know, that reviews are very divided. But I really want to believe, that in the sequel they will correct their mistakes, otherwise this franchise will die for another ten-twenty years. face_weary
    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  5. ID-10920  /  01.11.2019 - 00:18
    Надеюсь у композитора получилась достойная работа, тем более к такой франшизе. Мне очень понравился его саунд к Расцвету империи, Безумному Максу и Дивергенту.
  6. ID-10923  /  01.11.2019 - 04:26
    Thanks for sharing, I will give it a listen!!
  7. ID-10924  /  01.11.2019 - 06:16
    Many thanks for sharing this with us, very much appreciated !
    Make the best of a bad situation and then get on with life !
  8. ID-10928  /  02.11.2019 - 05:58
    Quote: lorddsp
    The soundtrack is horrible, the movie is horrible, fuck you cameron!!! you have just killed this saga!

    Haven't seen the movie yet lorddsp but have to agree with you the soundtrack isn't anything special.
    Make the best of a bad situation and then get on with life !
  9. ID-10930  /  02.11.2019 - 12:19
    Yes, this album is difficult to listen to as a work independent of the film. Even Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) himself admits, that there is a lot of noise in this Score and many fans will be unhappy with this.
    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  10. ID-10932  /  03.11.2019 - 00:40
    The movie is an insult to any fan of Terminator! The T800 retired as a family father who shuts his mouth and installs curtains, seriously, cameron I hate you!

    Mexican power , girl power because Cameron is against Trump's politic etc, it's ridiculous!

    The Mexican Terminator is a clown, the mini Mexican girl who replaces Sarah Connor is a fake , so this crap movie is shame that's all.
    One Punch Man!
  11. ID-10943  /  05.11.2019 - 01:16
    Thanks, I have been looking for this for YEARS. I ended up sending myself back in time to the moment it was released, so that I didn't have to wait as long. In the future, any reference to this movie is banned and erased from LegionNet.
  12. ID-10944  /  05.11.2019 - 12:52
    Red Book, it was funny. face_grinning_with_smiling_eyes
    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  13. ID-10951  /  08.11.2019 - 00:50
    Quote: lorddsp
    The soundtrack is horrible, the movie is horrible, fuck you cameron!!! you have just killed this saga!

    couldn't agree more. And i've been a fan since 84.....This is the worst terminator movie I've ever seen. The score was just noise, absolutly horrible
  14. ID-10973  /  11.11.2019 - 23:38
    Thanks for the opportunity to hear this score in advance and in good quality. That saved money.
    This music of Holkenborg is extremely simple and uninspired.
    Bad noise without structure, without ideas. Shallow melodic tunes do not sound like Terminator. And the frequently used samples and fragments from Brad Fiedel's two original scores make it very clear how bad this current film score is. No need for that.
  15. ID-11371  /  25.03.2020 - 21:23
    Thank you mister Shadow !

    As a Terminator fan (T1 & T2 forever and, yes, I love the third as well although the story is exactly the same as T2, and the fourth, if it's not as badass as T1 or T2, got the balls to show us the after of judgment day, hate the fifth) I have to listen to this score but after reading your comments, guys, I don't expect anything.

    And the picture is actually crappy !

    Cameron doesn't care anymore about the Terminator saga. He's got another one. Pity.
    Celui qui se transforme en bête se délivre de la douleur d'être un homme.