3ost » Саундтреки к Фильмам / Movie Soundtracks » Властелин колец: Возвращение Короля / The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King (The Complete Recordings (Hi-Res 2018))

Властелин колец: Возвращение Короля / The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King (The Complete Recordings (Hi-Res 2018))

Раздел: Саундтреки к Фильмам  •  Автор: lorddsp  •  от 31.07.2018
Обложка к альбому - Властелин колец: Возвращение Короля / The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King (The Complete Recordings (Hi-Res 2018))

Названия альбома: Властелин колец: Возвращение Короля / The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King
Исполнители: Howard Shore, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Renée Fleming, Ben Del Maestro, Liv Tyler, Sissel, Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen, Annie Lennox
Композиторы: Howard Shore
Год выпуска альбома: 2018
Год выхода фильма: 2003
Жанр: Score
Количество треков: 53
Длительность звучания: 03:49:26
Комментарий к публикации: The Complete Recordings

Носитель: Digital Release ( available as download on HDtracks )
Количество носителей: 4 x CD ( Digital Media )
Издатель ( лейбл ): Rhino Records, Warner Bros. Records

Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 24 bit / 48 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 2442 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )


CD 1
01. Howard Shore - Roots and Beginnings
02. Howard Shore - Journey to the Cross-roads
03. Howard Shore - The Road to Isengard
04. Howard Shore - The Foot of Orthanc
05. Howard Shore - Return to Edoras
06. Howard Shore - The Chalice Passed
07. Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan - The Green Dragon
08. Howard Shore - Gollum's Villainy
09. Howard Shore - Éowyn's Dream
10. Howard Shore - The Palantír
11. Howard Shore - Flight from Edoras
12. Howard Shore feat. Renée Fleming - The Grace of Undómiel
13. Howard Shore - The Eyes of the White Tower
14. Howard Shore - A Coronal of Silver and Gold
15. Howard Shore - The Lighting of the Beacons
CD 2
01. Howard Shore feat. Ben Del Maestro - Osgiliath Invaded
02. Howard Shore - The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
03. Howard Shore - Allegiance to Denethor
04. Howard Shore feat. Billy Boyd - The Sacrifice Of Faramir / "The Edge of Night"
05. Howard Shore - The Parting of Sam and Frodo
06. Howard Shore - Marshalling at Dunharrow
07. Howard Shore - Andúril - Flame of the West
08. Howard Shore - The Passing of the Grey Company
09. Howard Shore - Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain
10. Howard Shore - Master Meriadoc, Swordthain
11. Howard Shore - The Paths of the Dead
12. Howard Shore - The Siege of Gondor
13. Howard Shore - Shelob's Lair
14. Howard Shore - Merry's Simple Courage
CD 3
01. Howard Shore - Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld
02. Howard Shore - Shelob the Great
03. Howard Shore - The Tomb of the Stewards
04. Howard Shore - The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
05. Howard Shore - The Pyre of Denethor
06. Howard Shore - The Mûmakil
07. Howard Shore - Dernhelm in Battle
08. Howard Shore - "A Far Green Country"
09. Howard Shore - Shieldmaiden of Rohan
10. Howard Shore - The Passing of Théoden
11. Howard Shore feat. Liv Tyler - The Houses of Healing
12. Howard Shore - The Tower of Cirith Ungol
13. Howard Shore feat. Sissel - The Last Debate / "Asëa Aranion"
14. Howard Shore - The Land of Shadow
15. Howard Shore feat. Sir James Galway - The Mouth of Sauron
16. Howard Shore feat. Ben Del Maestro - "For Frodo"
CD 4
01. Howard Shore feat. Renée Fleming - Mount Doom
02. Howard Shore - The Crack of Doom
03. Howard Shore feat. Renée Fleming - The Eagles
04. Howard Shore feat. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen and Renée Fleming - The Fellowship Reunited
05. Howard Shore feat. Sir James Galway - The Journey to the Grey Havens
06. Howard Shore feat. Sir James Galway - Elanor
07. Howard Shore feat. Annie Lennox - Days of the Ring / "Into the West"
08. Howard Shore - Bilbo's Song
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Связанные публикации доступны по следующим тегам: The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003 film trilogy)

Публикация была отредактирована: 06.01.2019

Причина: Замена на Digital Hi-Res версию / Заміна на Digital Hi-Res версію / Replaced by Digital Hi-Res version
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Голосов: 8
Комментариев: 4


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  1. ID-10085  /  07.01.2019 - 02:46
    Thank you for this lovely upload face_smiling_with_sunglasses
  2. ID-10086  /  07.01.2019 - 10:06
    Great! I think I have got this already but I'll download it and compare with the 2007 version we discussed before. Thanks Shadow for the update!
  3. ID-11482  /  26.04.2020 - 20:23
    Слушал этот релиз. Отличное качество и отличная музыка от Говарда Шора.
    Жаль, что нет некоторые композиции хочется вырезать основную тему, как, например, у The Lighting of the Beacons. И хотелось бы тему подлиннее.
  4. ID-12968  /  08.10.2022 - 18:14
    The epic saga comes to an end with this wonderful score!
    I loved the May It Be song by Enya for the first movie but i LOVE even more "Into the West" by Annie Lennox.
    It's epic but not in a obvious way; it concludes so beautifully this epic journey, because it gets to your heart specially after i read this on the Wikipedia:
    "Director Peter Jackson felt that the song wasn't a good fit as a concluding song for the series, so Shore began to try to write a different closing credits song. As he did, Cameron Duncan, a young Māori New Zealand filmmaker whose work had impressed Jackson and his team, was dying from cancer at 16 years old, and his imminent passing inspired Shore, film writer Fran Walsh, and singer Annie Lennox to write "Into the West." The first public performance of the song was at Duncan's funeral."