Дом / Home (2015 - Score)

Раздел: Саундтреки к Мультфильмам  •  Автор: lorddsp  •  от 27.11.2017
Обложка к альбому - Дом / Home (2015 - Score)

Названия альбома: Дом / Home
Исполнители / Композиторы: Lorne Balfe
Год выпуска альбома: 2015
Год выхода мультфильма: 2015
Жанр: Score
Количество треков: 13
Длительность звучания: 00:39:33

Носитель: Digital Release ( available as download )
Количество носителей: 1 x CD ( Digital Media )
Издатель ( лейбл ): Relativity Music Group

Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 213 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )


01. Lorne Balfe - Symphony in Oh
02. Lorne Balfe - Gratuity's Apartment
03. Lorne Balfe - Saying the Sorry
04. Lorne Balfe - Two Fugitives
05. Lorne Balfe - Come into the out Now
06. Lorne Balfe - Smek Down
07. Lorne Balfe - Patched-in
08. Lorne Balfe - Moving Day
09. Lorne Balfe - Sad-Mad
10. Lorne Balfe - Running Towards the Danger
11. Lorne Balfe - Knock-Knock
12. Lorne Balfe - Returning the Shusher
13. Lorne Balfe - Frolicking in Paris
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Голосов: 4
Комментариев: 8


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  1. ID-9092  /  27.11.2017 - 07:12
    A great Thank , Shadow....
  2. ID-9094  /  27.11.2017 - 21:47
    Seriously I manage to many album!

    I gave you this one and I can't find it on my HDD so I download from your site what I gave you lol it's crazy!
    One Punch Man!
  3. ID-9095  /  27.11.2017 - 21:57
    face_with_tears_of_joy This album from the last batch. Maybe it lost somewhere during the synchronization process.
    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  4. ID-9096  /  27.11.2017 - 22:05
    No lol, I m sure to have got it and managed it but can't find on my HDD, I think I have edited the album on my main SSD and deleted the folderwith _ _ _ etc and forgot to transfer to the archive HDD, it's not the first time I do that lol.
    One Punch Man!
  5. ID-9097  /  27.11.2017 - 22:27
    Oho, you should be more careful, so you can delete the folder with many rare albums, and without the ability to recover (even using a special software).
    "Therefore, the Lord God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and placed a flaming sword to protect the tree of life."
  6. ID-9098  /  27.11.2017 - 22:57
    yes I know but you are my backup ;-)
    One Punch Man!
  7. ID-9166  /  15.12.2017 - 00:44
    Charming music... Thanks.
  8. ID-9243  /  10.01.2018 - 16:02
    Спасибо Shadow за выполненный заказ!