3ost » Саундтреки к Фильмам / Movie Soundtracks » Бэтмен навсегда / Batman Forever (Expanded Archival Collection)

Бэтмен навсегда / Batman Forever (Expanded Archival Collection)

Раздел: Саундтреки к Фильмам  •  Автор: Shadow  •  от 08.01.2017
Обложка к альбому - Бэтмен навсегда / Batman Forever (Expanded Archival Collection)

Названия альбома: Бэтмен навсегда / Batman Forever
Исполнители / Композиторы: Elliot Goldenthal
Год выпуска альбома: 2012
Год выхода фильма: 1995
Жанр: Score
Количество треков: 56
Длительность звучания: 02:31:53
Комментарий к публикации: Expanded Archival Collection / Limited edition of 3500 copies

Носитель: Audio CD
Количество носителей: 2 x CD
Издатель ( лейбл ): La-La Land Records - LLLCD 1189

Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks + .cue + .log )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 795 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )


CD 1
The Score

01. Elliot Goldenthal - Main Title *
02. Elliot Goldenthal - Batmobile * / Introducing Two-Face *
03. Elliot Goldenthal - Thug Fight *
04. Elliot Goldenthal - Obligatory Car Chase *
05. Elliot Goldenthal - Nygma's Cubicle * / Bat-Signal *
06. Elliot Goldenthal - Capsule *
07. Elliot Goldenthal - Rooftop Seduction * / Roof Plunge *
08. Elliot Goldenthal - Nygma After Hours * / Brain Drain * / You Are Terminated *
09. Elliot Goldenthal - Suicide * / First Riddle * / Second Riddle Delivered *
10. Elliot Goldenthal - Dream Doll *
11. Elliot Goldenthal - Big Top Bomb *
12. Elliot Goldenthal - Circus Opening * / The Flying Graysons * / Death Drop *
13. Elliot Goldenthal - Flashback * / Signal * / Robin's Lament *
14. Elliot Goldenthal - Have A Safe Flight * / Through The Eye *
15. Elliot Goldenthal - Nygma's Apartment * / Two-Face's Lair * / Riddler's Entrance * / Schizoid Stomp * / Brain Drain Expo * / Heist Montage *
16. Elliot Goldenthal - Laundry Room Stunt *
17. Elliot Goldenthal - More Heists * / Third Riddle * / Nosy Robin *
18. Elliot Goldenthal - Building Nygmatech * / Family of Zombies *
19. Elliot Goldenthal - Master Dick *
20. Elliot Goldenthal - Memories Repressed * / Love *
21. Elliot Goldenthal - Alley Rumble ** / Screen Kiss *
22. Elliot Goldenthal - Batcave * / Nygmatech Tango * / Public Demo *
23. Elliot Goldenthal - Nygma & Chase Dance *
24. Elliot Goldenthal - Two-Face's Entrance * / Batman's Entrance *
25. Elliot Goldenthal - Gas Trap / Batman Phoenix *
26. Elliot Goldenthal - Gratitude Problem *
27. Elliot Goldenthal - Go to Chase *
28. Elliot Goldenthal - Batcave Closeout * / Dick Leaves Wayne Manor *

CD 2
The Score (continued)

01. Elliot Goldenthal - Happy Halloween * / The Bat / Love Scene * / Twick Or Tweat * / Seize and Capture *
02. Elliot Goldenthal - Riddles Solved * / Partners * / Battleship *
03. Elliot Goldenthal - Scuba Fight * / Claw Island * / Emperor of Madness *
04. Elliot Goldenthal - Fun and Games *
05. Elliot Goldenthal - Batterdämmerung
06. Elliot Goldenthal - Two-Face's Demise *
07. Elliot Goldenthal - Bat Descent * / Arkham Asylum *
08. Elliot Goldenthal - Wet Screen Kiss * / March On! *
Bonus Tracks
09. Elliot Goldenthal - Themes from Batman Forever (B-Side Single)
10. Elliot Goldenthal - More Heists * (alternate)
Original Motion Picture Score Album
11. Elliot Goldenthal - Main Titles & Fanfare
12. Elliot Goldenthal - Perpetuum Mobile
13. Elliot Goldenthal - The Perils of Gotham
14. Elliot Goldenthal - Chase Noir
15. Elliot Goldenthal - Fledermausmarschmusik
16. Elliot Goldenthal - Nygma Variations (An Ode to Science)
17. Elliot Goldenthal - Victory
18. Elliot Goldenthal - Descent
19. Elliot Goldenthal - The Pull of Regret
20. Elliot Goldenthal - Mouth to Mouth Nocturne
21. Elliot Goldenthal - Gotham City Boogie
22. Elliot Goldenthal - Under the Top
23. Elliot Goldenthal - Mr. E's Dance Card (Rhumba, Foxtrot, Waltz & Tango)
24. Elliot Goldenthal - Two-Face Three Step
25. Elliot Goldenthal - Chase Blanc
26. Elliot Goldenthal - Spank Me! Overture
27. Elliot Goldenthal - Holy Rusted Metal
28. Elliot Goldenthal - Batterdämmerung

* - Previously unreleased
** - Wreckage and Rape (Alien3) (Elliot Goldenthal)
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Голосов: 7
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  1. ID-8229  /  09.01.2017 - 16:32
    thank you thank you thank you!

  2. ID-11581  /  15.05.2020 - 09:12
    Omg thank you very much!