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Размер архива: ≈ 831 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )
CD 1 Amazing Stories 01. John Williams - Main Title Alternate #2 Go To The Head Of The Class 02. Alan Silvestri - David 03. Alan Silvestri - Curse Of Dolkite 04. Alan Silvestri - What's Dolkite 05. Alan Silvestri - Cemetery 06. Alan Silvestri - Caretaker; Till Death Do Us Part 07. Alan Silvestri - Crypt; Fingertip 08. Alan Silvestri - House Of Beanes 09. Alan Silvestri - Flashlight 10. Alan Silvestri - Forever 11. Alan Silvestri - Late For School 12. Alan Silvestri - Sore Throat The Wedding Ring 13. Craig Safan - On The Boardwalk In Atlantic City 14. Craig Safan - Sad Lois 15. Craig Safan - Too Tired 16. Craig Safan - Custer's Eyeballs; The Ring; Lois Transforms 17. Craig Safan - Waxed Horrors 18. Craig Safan - Sexy Lois; Knife Show 19. Craig Safan - Love You To Death; The Curse Goes On Mirror Mirror 20. Michael Kamen - Zombies 21. Michael Kamen - Nightmare; Learn To Type 22. Michael Kamen - First Scare 23. Michael Kamen - Run; Eye Opener 24. Michael Kamen - The Next Morning 25. Michael Kamen - Phantom Of The Parking Lot 26. Michael Kamen - Jail; Karen; Hoz In The Mirror 27. Michael Kamen - We'll Shoot It Here; In The Eye 28. Michael Kamen - The Eye Bridge; Death Mr. Magic 29. Bruce Broughton - Reel Magic 30. Bruce Broughton - Lou Bundles 31. Bruce Broughton - Coffee Shop Magic; Meet The Cards; More Reel Magic 32. Bruce Broughton - The Cards Do It 33. Bruce Broughton - Lou's New Act; The Cards Wedding 34. Bruce Broughton - Something's Wrong; I'll Show You Magic; Lou's Goodbye
CD 2 Amazing Stories 01. John Williams - Bumper #1 Secret Cinema 02. Billie Goldenberg - Strange Evening 03. Billie Goldenberg - Real Pal; Doctor Schreck 04. Billie Goldenberg - Secret Cinema 05. Billie Goldenberg - Calliope 06. Billie Goldenberg - Secret Payoff 07. Billie Goldenberg - Through The Heart; What's That Music 08. Billie Goldenberg - Step-Child; Pie Eyed Life On Death Row 09. Fred Steiner - Death Row 10. Fred Steiner - Jailbreak; Healing Hands 11. Fred Steiner - Healing Motif; Healing All 12. Fred Steiner - Death Walk; Resurrection The Pumpkin Competition 13. John Addison - Pumpkin Girls 14. John Addison - It's A Fix 15. John Addison - No Family; You Can Win 16. John Addison - Big Pea 17. John Addison - Growth Payment; Night Growth Part 1 18. John Addison - Night Growth Part 2 19. John Addison - The Wager; Rope And Ladder 20. John Addison - Off To The Fair; Late Arrival 21. John Addison - Elma Defeated Grandpa's Ghost 22. Pat Metheny - Come In Edward; I Like Fish; A Great Story; Grandpa Is Dead 23. Pat Metheny - Grandpa Comes Back 24. Pat Metheny - Be Mine Always 25. Pat Metheny - Grandma Dies The Mission 26. John Williams - The Mission 27. John Williams - The Jinxed One 28. John Williams - Off We Go 29. John Williams - Broken Landing Gear 30. John Williams - Friendly Persuasion; Trapped 31. John Williams - The Captain's Frustration 32. John Williams - Amazing Stories Act Break; Fade In 33. John Williams - The Parachute; The Control Tower 34. John Williams - I'm Father McKay 35. John Williams - Goodbyes 36. John Williams - Jonathan Begins To Draw; The Landing Amazing Stories 37. John Williams - End Credits 38. John Williams - Amblin Logo Alternate
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When the series ends to the sound of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee,' it is a profoundly deep and spiritually transcendent moment. I think this was the moment I realized I loved this slow-burn, rewarding TV show.