Носитель: Digital Release ( available as download )
Количество носителей: 1 x
CD ( Digital Media )
Издатель ( лейбл ):
Coffee Stain Publishing AB
Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 757 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )
01. Patrik Jarlestam - Welcome To Valheim - Menu Theme 02. Patrik Jarlestam - Flight Into Valheim 03. Patrik Jarlestam - The Meadows - A Place To Rest 04. Patrik Jarlestam - Home - A Place To Enjoy 05. Patrik Jarlestam - Dawn Arrives 06. Patrik Jarlestam - Dusk Sends Its Veil 07. Patrik Jarlestam - Eikthyr Rides 08. Patrik Jarlestam - Black Forest - The Darkness 09. Patrik Jarlestam - The Forest Crypt 10. Patrik Jarlestam - The Forest Is Moving 11. Patrik Jarlestam - Elder Awakens 12. Patrik Jarlestam - Out For A Sailing Adventure 13. Patrik Jarlestam - The Plains - Farmstead 14. Patrik Jarlestam - Bonemass Defiles 15. Patrik Jarlestam - The Swamps - Sunken Water 16. Patrik Jarlestam - The Mountains - High Territory 17. Patrik Jarlestam - Moder Protects 18. Patrik Jarlestam - Yagluth Reigns 19. Ghostwood Empire - Deya Saga 20. Ghostwood Empire - Hearth And Home 21. Patrik Jarlestam, Malin Wikblad - Mountains - The red inner sanctum 22. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Kinzey Alexander-Swatton, Mattias Hanskov Palm, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Mistlands - Unveiling distant memories 23. Patrik Jarlestam, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Mistlands - Dvergr Excavation Site - Unearthing the past 24. Patrik Jarlestam, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Mistlands - Dvergr Tower - Magic brewing 25. Patrik Jarlestam - Mistlands - Kneel to The Seeker Queen 26. Patrik Jarlestam - Mistlands - Kneel to The Seeker Queen (ambient) 27. Patrik Jarlestam, Kinzey Alexander-Swatton, Freya Schack-Arnott, Mattias Hanskov Palm, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Meadows - Village & Farm - A sigh of human life 28. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Mattias Hanskov Palm, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Greydwarf Camp - Smoking soil, moss and bones 29. Patrik Jarlestam, David Eriksson, Freya Schack-Arnott - The wandering adventures of Haldor and Halstein 30. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott - Fuling Encampment - The horde under attack 31. Patrik Jarlestam, Phillippa Murphy-Haste, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Mountains - Abandoned Cottages 32. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Phillippa Murphy-Haste - Plains - Stone Henges - Stones of Morning Darkness 33. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott - Black Forest - Smouldering Tomb 34. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott - Mountains - Howling Cavern 35. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott - Plains - Sealed Tower 36. Patrik Jarlestam, David Eriksson - Hildir's tiny emporium of costume changes 37. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - The Dangers of sailing to Ashlands 38. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Anna Cooper, Nicola Bell, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Ashlands - Transformed by Fire 39. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Anna Cooper, Nicola Bell, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Ashlands' Ruins 1 - Where every choice was made of stone 40. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Anna Cooper, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Ashlands' Ruins 2 - Soaring high, come laying low 41. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Anna Cooper, Nicola Bell, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Ashlands' Ruins 3 - For all who lived here 42. Patrik Jarlestam, Freya Schack-Arnott, Beth Condon, Anna Cooper, Michael H. Dixon, Mattias Hanskov Palm - Ashlands' Fortress - These stones have witnessed more than most ever will 43. Patrik Jarlestam, J.R. Kensington - Fader Beckons 44. Patrik Jarlestam, Pablo Sorribes Bernhard, Fredy Clue - The Dance Of The Witch In The Bog
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For your information > This thing is ultra woke and a shame for the cinema ( not only because it's woke), only 15000 entries in cinema in france and the must pathetic it's that is the tax from french people who has paid this "horror"