Lossless аудио формат: FLAC ( tracks )
Свойства аудио: 2 channels / 16 bit / 44.1 kHz
Размер архива: ≈ 617 МБ ( добавлена информация для восстановления )
CD 1 01. Alex North - Overture 02. Alex North - Main Title 03. Alex North - Hope 04. Alex North - Deborah / Indians Arrive 05. Alex North - Waiting / Rejection / Justice 06. Alex North - Truth 07. Alex North - Deborah (Proposal) 08. Alex North - Going Home (Trek Begins) 09. Alex North - Dedication / Going Home (Trek Continues) / Cavalry (Pursuit) 10. Alex North - Archer 11. Alex North - War 12. Alex North - Fire 13. Alex North - Old Chief / Tall Chief's Death 14. Alex North - Mourning / Montage 15. Alex North - God Help Me / Cavalry (Pursuit Continues) 16. Alex North - Indians / Sage Fire 17. Alex North - Battle, Pt.1 / Battle, Pt.2 18. Alex North - Red Shirt / Cattle Drive 19. Alex North - Cavalry (After Battle) / Sick Girl 20. Alex North - Going Home (Hunger) 21. James A. Bland - Medley: Oh Dem Golden Slippers / Dandy Jim From Caroline 22. Harry McClintock - The Big Rock Candy Mountain 23. Alex North - Medley: Quadrille / Yellow Rose Of Texas 24. Stephen Foster - Camptown Races 25. Alex North - Intermission
CD 2 01. Alex North - Entr'acte 02. Alex North - Going Home (The Train) 03. Alex North - Deborah's Book 04. Alex North - Transitions 05. Alex North - Lead Our People Home, Pt.1 / Lead Our People Home, Pt.2 06. Alex North - Revolt 07. Alex North - Departure 08. Alex North - The People 09. Alex North - Outbreak, Pt.1 / Outbreak, Pt.2 10. Alex North - Spring / Soldiers / Alarm 11. Alex North - Death 12. Alex North - The End / Going Home (End Cast) 13. Alex North - Going Home (Exit) The Extras 14. Alex North - Cavalry (Into Positions) 15. Alex North - Drums, No.1 16. Alex North - Drums, No.2 17. Alex North - Drums, No.4 (Version 1) 18. Alex North - Drums, No.4 (Version 2) 19. Alex North - Drums, No.5 (Version 1) 20. Alex North - Drums, No.5 (Version 2) 21. Alex North - Drums, No.6 22. Alex North - Drums (Proposal For Peace) 23. Alex North - Drums (Proposal For Peace - Alternate) 24. Alex North - First Call (Bugle Call) / Drums, No.3 (Snares) 25. Alex North - Charge (Bugle Call) 26. Alex North - Assembly - Dodge City (Bugle Call) 27. Alex North - Rally (Bugle Call) 28. Alex North - Recall (Bugle Call) 29. Alex North - Officer's Call (Bugle Call) 30. Alex North - Taps (Bugle Call) 31. Alex North - Boots And Saddles (Bugle Call) 32. Alex North - Flourish (Bugle Call) 33. Alex North - Forward (Bugle Call) 34. Alex North - Prepare To Mount (Bugle Call) 35. Alex North - Prepare To Dismount (Bugle Call) 36. John Hodges, Stephen Foster - Medley: Angelina Baker / Buffalo Gals / Angelina Baker / Buffalo Gals 37. Alex North - Medley, No.4 38. Stephen Foster - Medley: Skipt To My Lou / Angelina Baker / Buffalo Gals / Camptown Races 39. James A. Bland - Medley: The Big Rock Candy Mountain / Oh Dem Golden Slippers 40. William Shakespeare Hays - Early In De Mornin' 41. Alex North - Medley, No.7 42. Stephen Foster - Medley: Camptown Races / Angelina Baker / Camptown Races (Version 1) 43. Stephen Foster - Medley: Camptown Races / Angelina Baker / Camptown Races (Version 2)
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Waoo Creo que voy a llorar, podría decir que ahora si podré descansar en paz. He buscado este álbum desde los comentarios de YouTube, hasta en TIDAL Music, que lo dieron de baja al álbum (No era de buena calidad). Pero esta vez, por fin lo tengo en FLAC ya que este disco solo fue lanzado para los desarrolladores del juego en FLAC, pero la ignorancia de nosotros, pensábamos que el Mp3 era lo máximo en calidad musical.
When the series ends to the sound of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee,' it is a profoundly deep and spiritually transcendent moment. I think this was the moment I realized I loved this slow-burn, rewarding TV show.